SW2 Perth to Pemberton
lakeside amongst forrest in the south west

Catch the coach from Perth to Pemberton

SW2 Coach line

East Perth to Pemberton via Bunbury and Donnybrook

There are three services to Pemberton, one travelling a more direct route, one travelling down the coast and one that loops inland, hitting Collie and Boyup Brook. Regardless of the path you choose, you’re bound to pass through historic towns and across stunning Australian landscape before arriving in Pemberton, the land of giants.


Onboard Services

Toilet Facilities
USB Ports

More info on Amenities

  • East Perth Terminal
  • Cockburn Central (Stand No. 7)
  • Mandurah Bus Station
  • Falcon (Miami Shopping Centre)
  • Lake Clifton (opposite bakery)
  • Binningup turnoff
  • Australind (Mulgara Street)
  • Bunbury Passenger Terminal
  • Boyanup (opposite Lions shelter)
  • Donnybrook (Ayers Gardens)
  • Kirup (Information Bay)
  • Mullalyup (opposite bus shelter)
  • Balingup (Tinderbox Store)
  • Greenbushes (Stanifer Street bus bay)
  • Bridgetown (Memorial Boat Park)
  • Yornup (opposite bus shelter)
  • Palgarup (bus shelter)
  • Manjimup (Manjimup Heritage Park)
  • Pemberton turnoff
  • Pemberton (Visitor Centre)

Book now

313 315 319
Mon Wed Thu Fri# From Perth
PM 1:00 PM 12:15 PM 1:00 East Perth Terminal
1:25 12:40 1:25 Cockburn Central (Stand No. 7)
2:10 1:25 2:10 Mandurah Train Station (bus stop)
2:23 1:38 2:23 Falcon (Miami Shopping Centre)
2:40 1:55 2:40 Lake Clifton (opposite bakery)
3:03 2:18 3:03 Binningup turnoff (3km)*
3:15 2:30 3:15 Australind (Mulgara Street)
3:30 4:00 2:45 3:15 3:30 4:00 Bunbury Passenger Terminal ¤
4:10 4:10 Bunbury Health Campus
4:20 4:20 Bunbury TAFE
4:38 3:33 4:38 Boyanup (opposite Lions shelter)
4:50 3:45 4:50 Donnybrook (Ayers Gardens)
5:03 3:58 5:03 Kirup (Information Bay)
5:09 4:04 5:09 Mullalyup (opposite bus shelter)
5:13 4:08 5:13 Balingup (Tinderbox Store)
5:20 4:15 5:20 Greenbushes (Stanifer Street bus bay)
5:37 4:32 5:37 Bridgetown (Memorial Boat Park)
5:47 4:42 5:47 Yornup (opposite bus shelter)
5:58 4:53 5:58 Palgarup (bus shelter)
6:10 5:05 6:10 Manjimup (Manjimup Heritage Park)
6:20 5:15 6:20 Pemberton turnoff (16km)*
6:35 5:30 6:35 Pemberton (Visitor Centre)
314 316
Mon Wed Fri Tue From Pemberton
AM 6:00 AM 8:45 Pemberton (Visitor Centre)
6:15 9:00 Pemberton turnoff (16km)*
6:30 9:10 Manjimup (Manjimup Heritage Park)
6:42 9:22 Palgarup (bus shelter)
6:53 9:33 Yornup (opposite bus shelter)
7:03 9:43 Bridgetown (Memorial Boat Park)
7:20 10:00 Greenbushes (Stanifer Street bus bay)
7:27 10:07 Balingup (Tinderbox Store)
7:31 10:11 Mullalyup (opposite bus shelter)
7:37 10:17 Kirup (Information Bay)
7:50 10:30 Donnybrook (Ayers Gardens)
8:02 10:42 Boyanup (opposite Lions shelter)
8:20 Bunbury Health Campus
8:25 Bunbury TAFE
8:30 9:00 11:00 11:25 Bunbury Passenger Terminal ¤
9:15 11:40 Australind (BP service station)
9:27 11:52 Binningup turnoff (3km)*
9:51 PM 12:16 Lake Clifton (opposite bakery)
10:08 12:33 Falcon (Ampol Roadhouse)
10:20 12:45 Mandurah Train Station
11:05 1:30 Cockburn Central (Stand No. 7)
11:30 1:55 East Perth Terminal
Wheelchair accessible toilet facilities available.
Road coach services will only divert to Australind and Greenbushes if advance bookings are made.
*(km) Kilometres from townsite.
¤Rest Stop - toilet facilities available.
#The 319 service will continue to Northcliffe on a Friday if advance bookings are made.

Amendments may apply on public holidays and during school holidays. Road coaches will only stop at other authorised stopping points if pre-booked.

Passengers are advised be ready to board 15 minutes prior to departure.

Download timetable