Transwa manages the annual Pensioner Free Travel entitlements on behalf of Centrelink/Services Australia (SA) and the Department of Veteran's Affairs (DVA).
Because travel should be easy and accessible, we’re pleased to offer free travel to the following concession card holders:
West Australian Pensioner Concession Cardholders (incl. SA/DVA)
- Two free trips every year.
- Your Free Travel entitlement can be redeemed for two single journeys or a single return journey within the calendar year on any Transwa service.
- You are also able to receive 50% off a standard ticket price.
West Australian DVA Gold Card Cardholders
- Two single trips or one return trip on any Transwa service each calendar year.
- Holders of a Western Australian DVA issued Gold Card are eligible for four single or two return trips.
- You are also able to receive 50% off a standard ticket price.
How do I apply?
- Online: Complete the online registration form by clicking this link: Register now
Register now
- Phone: Call 1300 662 205 weekdays between 10:00am and 3:00pm to register.
- Post: Download the Registration Form and send your completed form and photocopies of both sides of your concession card(s) to or to:
Reply Paid 85335 Locked Bag 7
Please allow up to 10 business days for your registration to be processed.
- In Person: Visit one of our Booking Centres or Accredited Agents to register. Transwa accepts either the physical card or Express Plus Centrelink App as evidence of your valid concession. When registering, we ask for a photocopy or scan of your card(s). You can also screenshot both sides of your digital wallet and send us the images with your online registration form.
Transwa does not accept the MyID DigitalID for concession verification purposes.
How do I book?
Once you have registered with us, you can book your Free Travel entitlement or concession ticket on our website, by phone 1300 662 205, or by visiting one of our Booking Centres or Accredited Agents. Remember to carry your valid Concession Card on your travels for presentation when required.
Need to update your details?
Please contact us if you have moved house or changed your contact information. Make sure to have your concession card ready. If you have received a new card and have already registered with us, you don’t need to complete a new form. We will contact you before your card is due to expire, provided, we have your contact details.
For further information, please contact us on 1300 662 205.
Please note:
Centrelink Access
Transwa requires your consent to enable the Australian Government Department of Human Services (Centrelink) to confirm the concession details you provide to the Public Transport Authority of WA (Transwa) when you register with us. The consent you give remains valid with Transwa unless you withdraw your consent by contacting us.
Interstate card holders
Free travel entitlements do not extend to Interstate Pensioners, Seniors cardholders, or Health Care cardholders. 50% concession rates apply.