Standard Luggage
You are welcome to bring one item of hand luggage with you, weighing up to 7kgs. This should be no larger than your standard flight carry-on luggage. You are also welcome to bring one item of checked luggage, weighing no more than 20kg.
Additional and Over-sized Luggage
If space permits, extra and oversized luggage can be accommodated for a $20 fee. Luggage weighing over 15kg will be classified as Heavy Luggage and must be clearly labelled as such—please visit the luggage stand at our Booking Centres to obtain a tag. For safety reasons, luggage weighing more than 20kg will need to be separated into two separate bags, noting that the second bag will be charged the applicable fee.
Road Coach, AvonLink and MerredinLink services can carry up to two bicycles at a fee of $20 per bicycle. To take your bicycle on a road coach service, you must remove the front wheel. Due to space restrictions, bicycles should be booked prior to travel. Call 1300 662 205 to book.
If there is room available, packaged surfboards** under 2m can be carried on coach services and, AvonLink and MerredinLink train services. Surfboards can only be booked on the day of travel and will count as additional luggage and charged the applicable fee.
Please note that space restrictions mean only two fold-up bikes can be taken onboard each Prospector train services, and only when contained in an approved carry bag which should be no more than 79cm long x 59cm high x 36cm wide. Standard bikes cannot be taken onboard the Prospector.
Unaccepted Luggage
- Perishable foods
- Flora - no live plants. Flower arrangements can only be carried as personal carry-on luggage
- Birds and animals (other than guide or assistance dogs)
- Dangerous goods - any fuels, oils, solvents, ammunition, firearms, acids, radioactive material or chemicals or explosives
- Surfboards over 2m long, windsurfing boards, surf-skis and kayaks
- All gas cylinders including diving tanks (this does not include medical oxygen for personal onboard use)
- Large electrical items; and
- Small machinery
Please note:
Transwa accepts no liability for items such as cameras, electrical goods, jewellery, money, tools, bicycles, surfboards, golf clubs or any other luggage that is fragile or not suitably packaged or labelled. Additionally, no luggage storage facilities are available at Transwa stations or pick-up points.
*A bicycle is defined as having no obtrusive features such as flags, saddlebags, trailers or similar that is powered by pedal power using pedals, chain and belt, and is not supported by any motor. A bicycle does not include tandems/and or tricycles.
** Surfboards can only be loaded and unloaded at Perth and Bunbury Station if you're travelling on the Australind Train.